Summer Picnics

Summer Picnics & Baptisms 2024

Join us this summer as we come together as the body of Christ and seek to build and strengthen relationships with each other as well as celebrate new life in Christ through baptism. Specific details for each picnic is below the general information.

Dates / Times

  • Sunday, June 30 at 5:00PM at PCC
  • Sunday, July 28 at 5:00PM at PCC
  • Sunday, August 18 at 5:00PM at PCC


This year, all picnics will be held at PCC on the front lawn. There is no covered shelter so please feel free to bring your own shelter as well as lawn chairs, ground blankets, etc.

In case of inclement weather, since all picnics will be held on the PCC grounds, the picnic activities will be moved inside the building and baptisms will be held in the gym.


The symbol of water baptism serves as a lasting, visible reminder that we have already had one funeral and that we are now risen with Christ. Candidates for baptism are required to complete a study sheet and discuss its application to life with a mentor prior to experiencing the sacrament. We'll offer baptism opportunities at all three picnics. Contact the Chapel office for more info.

Food & Drink

Each picnic we encourage you to bring a side dish or a dessert large enough to share with 10-12 others. See below under each picnic date for specifics on what to bring that evening. PCC provides hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, drinks, condiments, and plates / napkins / utensils / cups. We do ask for a few volunteers to help with food prep and setup - please contact Peter Grimes if you are interested in helping with this.

Activities at the Picnic

We'll always highlight some aspect of our community life at PCC at the picnics by hearing from those being baptized or hearing other stories about what God is doing in people's lives. We'll enjoy fellowship, conversations around the table, and other fun outdoor games. Children are welcome and we will have open-ended activities for them.

2024 Summer Picnics Date Specific Details

SUNday, June 30 at 5:00PM at PCC

  • Last names beginning with A-L bring a dessert and M-Z bring a side dish
  • Baptisms with testimonies during dinner
  • Food line opens at 5:15PM
  • Special Activities: Children's Entertainment & Activities

SUNDAY, July 28 at 5:00PM at PCC

  • Last names beginning with A-R bring a side dish and S-Z bring a dessert
  • Baptisms with testimonies during dinner
  • Food line opens at 5:15PM
  • Special Activities: Waterslides

SUNDAY, august 18 at 5:00PM at PCC

  • All attendees can bring a side dish to share, PCC will provide free SweetFrog for dessert (food truck will be onsite)
  • Baptisms with testimonies during dinner
  • Food line opens at 5:15PM
  • Special Activities: SweetFrog