Discipleship Classes
We believe that by knowing God’s Word we will be “thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16). Discipleship Classes are offered in Room 202 (unless otherwise noted) every Sunday and cover a wide variety of topics. Teachers aim to uncover biblical truths that equip participants to grow in their love of God.
Current Classes
9:00AM & 10:45AM Classes

International Military: How To Make A Friend and Have An Impact
February 9 at 9:00AM & 10:45AM | Room 202
International Military: How to make a friend and have an impact on some of the hundreds who come here for training. Cru Military International leader, Gantumur Badrakh and his wife, Deegii, are Mongolians passionate for reaching military men and women from all over the globe. We are fortunate to have them as part of the Chapel where they can link us to this segment of the international community.
The American Church and Refugees: A Story of Hope
February 16 at 9:00AM & 10:45AM | Room 202
"AM" offers an encouraging look at what is happening across the country. Although immigration is complex, if you aren’t aware of how God is using the current immigration boom, you need to be here. In addition to the national overview, "AM" offers a look at what role the Chapel could play in seeing an international church come about on the peninsula, one that is biblically solid and culturally appealing to our refugee neighbors.

International Students: Planting Seeds Among Future Global Leaders
February 9 at 9:00AM & 10:45AM | Room 204
Hear from Dr. Kurnia Foe, director of Global Student Friendship (GSF). Come with questions like: What is God doing among these scholars and how can we love them in Jesus’ name? How do I start and keep a friendship with an international classmate or visitor to the Chapel? GSF is centered on Old Dominion University in Norfolk but has an ever-expanding regional footprint. Hampton University, CNU, and William & Mary all have international students and will likely have more in the years ahead.
Afghanistan: A Case Study of God’s Mercy in the Face of Human Suffering
February 16 at 9:00AM & 10:45AM | Room 204
Taught by “MP”, this class describes both the suffering and the mercy that define this Central Asian land and many like it – the lands from which thousands of refugees have come and will come. We need to understand their suffering in order to express God’s compassion. First-hand exposure as well as research have qualified "MP" to partner with both governments and local communities and to speak to religious and secular audiences across America.
Upcoming Classes

A Praying Church: Becoming A People of Hope In A Discouraging World
February 23 - May 4 at 9:00AM | Room 202
Powerful things happen when believers pray together: the Spirit equips the saints for ministry, the helpless are met with help, and believers experience the joy of being led by the Spirit of Jesus. This 10-week Discipleship Class, A Praying Church: Becoming A People of Hope In A Discouraging World, will help us to learn how praying alongside other believers–as children asking their Father for help–can transform communities into beacons of hope. Through personal stories, biblical examples, and helpful charts we will be given encouragement and practical strategies to implement the practice of praying together in your own communities.

Family: Embracing the Blessing and Facing the Brokenness
february 23 - March 23 at 10:45AM | Room 202
Family. What image springs to your mind? Big Smiles and warm hugs? Dark looks and harsh words? Perhaps it’s blessing and brokenness tangled together. What are we to make of the fact that in all of Scripture not one single family is held up as an idealized role model? How can that be? Because the Bible is no stranger to the complexities of family. This 5-week Discipleship Class, Family: Embracing the Blessing and Facing the Brokeness, will explore the ways God forms and reforms family, how he shapes and reshapes us through family. Whatever your situation or experience, whether single or married, old or young, whatever roles you play, this class will help you through the power of the Gospel to face the brokenness and embrace the blessing of family.

Membership Interest Class
June 1 & 8, 2025 at 10:45AM | Room 204
Interested in membership at PCC? Join us to learn more about our history, beliefs and vision. Participation in both weeks of this two-part class is required to become a member at PCC. Please register so we can have materials ready for you.