Day of Prayer & Fasting

Day of Prayer & Fasting

Our next day of Prayer and Fasting will be Wednesday, July 3.  On that day, we invite you to join us as a church in skipping one or more meals and focusing that time on prayer. If you are unable to skip a meal for health reasons, try fasting from something else (television, social media, etc.).

July's Day of Prayer & Fasting Focus

Each year PCC organizes several state-side and international short-term trips to partner with our long-term workers and support their ongoing ministries. Spending a few weeks in another country expands our understanding of God's heart for the world and opens our eyes in new ways to the hope and restoration the Gospel brings. Please join us in specifically praying for the 2024 trips: Seed Week in New York City (July 7-13), Timothy Ambition High School Seed Week in New York City (July 14-20 for teens), Serve the City Volunteer Week in Krakow, Poland (July 19-29), and Nagano, Japan (July 24-August 5). Pray the Lord would strengthen partnerships and the gospel would bear fruit in the lives of those who are served, those who are going, and those who are praying.